Hudson finally had his 6 month check-up yesterday and it went great! Except for the whole shot thing...but I still make Tyler go and hold him for that because I'm a major wimp when it comes to anything that makes my boy the slightest bit uncomfortable:( He did good though! Here are his latest stats:
Weight- 17lbs 12 oz.
Height- 27 1/2 inches ( Dr. Roads says he's tall and slender:)
And believe it or not his head is in a pretty low percentile...guess it justs looks big due to the baldness...BUT he does have lots of fair blonde hair coming in.
He is right on the money developmentally and Dr. Roads took a look at his gums and said he would expect a tooth anyday on the bottom because his gums are nice and flattened out. Of course....I'll be the first one to feel that I'm sure...ouch! He said we could start introducing meat into his diet and start giving him mashed table exciting! I've been making his babyfood and its taking him a little while to get use to actual cooked veggies vs. the good ole' Gerber purees but we're getting there:) Also this week he has started getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth...SO cute! I'm gonna try and catch it on video...he likes to do it the most when he's in the nude though;) He's not far from crawling now...I can't believe it!
Here are some more fun pics!
My handsome boy!


Hudson and Cayson in Nashville!

Happy 4th of July from best buds...Hudson and Cayson! (I'm sure they'll love this one day:)