As promised here are several pictures from the last few weeks:) Our little monster is doing great...crawling ALL over the place, pulling up, climbing, and ultimately giving momma multiple heart attacks daily! The last 9 months have come and gone WAY too fast! Enjoy!
Sorry for the lack of posts much has been going on. Without going into too much detail (for the sake of time:) we have had a rough past few weeks. All those who know me/us who read this blog probably already know the amount of loss my family has suffered over the last few weeks...first with the passing of my Oma Griffis about 2 weeks ago and then with the passing of my Opa Sample one week later. Its been very hard and needless to say there has not been too much extra time lately to update. Hudson also had his first virus in the middle of all of this and was pretty miserable for a couple days with a high fever. AND momma is now in Grad School at the big Peay so that is time consuming as well. But I promise to post soon with lots of updated pics! We are on the mend. Stay tuned...