Sunday, March 29, 2009

"I have hands!!"...and Happy Birthday Oliver:)

We have had some exciting discoveries this weekend! It really does seem like Hudson does something new everyday. He has been such a great, sweet boy for us all weekend long...not that he isn't normally, but he has been especially sweet this weekend. Friday night he slept from 7:30-6:45 and last night from we feel extremely lucky. He has been a terrific sleeper for the last month and 1/2 or so, but we are still thankful every night because we know it change at any moment. He as been even more smiley and "gooey" as I like to say...which just means he's talking alot...SO cute when he gets on a roll of "a-goos" and little outbursts that will eventually be laughter:) AND while we were out birthday shopping for Oliver, who turned 2 years old today!!, Hudson found his hands. We have been waiting for this to happen since he hit the 3 month mark...holding toys in front of him waiting for a grab. But today when we least happened. We were strolling him around PetSmart and I looked down and he was grabbing at his cow that attaches to his infant seat. I of course stopped and shouted at Tyler to look and sure enough he did it over and over...trying his best to get a hold of it. Such an exciting moment for us...small probably to others...but SO special to us:) He's getting to be such a big boy and with every new accomplishment comes even more fun we get to have with him. We just feel so lucky to have him:) Here are a few recent pics of our big guy...

And we must also acknowledge our OTHER sweet boy and his birthday...we feel so lucky to have him also...Happy Birthday Oliver!!

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