Today Hudson is 6 months old! Thats sounds so old to me...I mean 1/2 a year has gone by! Insane. When I hear other people talk about their 6 monthers I can't grasp that mine is actually that age now too...I guess in my mind he will always be my teeny tiny 5 pounder:) BUT he is definitely a growing boy! Learning new things everyday and loving his baby food more and more. But don't be confused...he's still a nursing fool! Lately he has been doing lots of screaming just to hear himself...he thinks he's hilarious. He wants so bad to be able to be mobile...but I think he's got a little ways to go before he'll have the crawling thing down. His teething seems to be out of control these days! I think I could fill up a 10 gallon bucket with drool by the end of the day and he stuffs his hand so far in his mouth to gnaw on those little fingers that he gags himself....daily:) But no teeth yet. He's so much fun and Tyler and I laugh constantly at this big personality that is shining through....its great:)
Some recent pics....and an "oh so cute" video:)
Snoozing in daddy's truck

Loving the Jumper

After dinner...getting familiar with the sippy cup!

I love my feet!
SPLISH SPLASHHudson has figured out how to splash in the bath tub...its too cute! He gets so excited and in the process gets me soaked! We will be moving bath time to the actual bathtub now. Here he is going at it!
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