Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
New happenings!
What a difference a week makes! Hudson has accomplished lots over the last week or so. As I reported last time...he is crawling! And he has gotten better and better each day...AND he is already trying to pull up! WHOA...I am not ready for this. I can't imagine what a nervous wreck I'll be when he actually starts trying to let go or walk....maybe I'll put a leash on him:) Also, he started waving bye-bye....SUPER sweet. I'm not entirely sure he understands that he is doing it...but hey...it still counts...and he does it on command! Well, he does it on command only if its me, him and Tyler around...usually not when I try to make him perform in front of anyone else....go figure:) AND...somebody get this boy a toothbrush!....thats right, that long awaited tooth has finally made an appearance! He's had a rough past few days but all and all he's handling it pretty well:) I'm sure there is another one not too far behind because those fingers pretty much stay in his mouth all the time. And last, but not least..he turned 8 months old. I won't even begin to go into how I can't believe its been that long and ALL those bittersweet feelings. Lets just say....BEST 8 months of our lives! We love you Stinky!
Going for our afternoon walk

Playing with his Learning Table:)

Nakey Boy...climbing his crib!

Our litte Stinky:)
Going for our afternoon walk

Playing with his Learning Table:)

Nakey Boy...climbing his crib!

Our litte Stinky:)

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I took this video probably about a month or so ago when Hudson first started rocking...but rocking is long gone now! He is actually crawling! He can get across a room....he starts out crawling and then usually resorts to an army crawl after a little way, but he's definitely getting the hang of it! I'll try to catch it on video soon...I have a feeling over the next few days he's really gonna get movin;) But in the mean time enjoy this "not too recent" video.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Its official...I'm a bad blogger these days! I have sat down to update this probably a few times in the last couple weeks...but then I quickly find something that needs to be done instead...sorry! We have been busy as usual...nothing to eventful..just the everyday hustle and bustle. Hudson is doing well! Still working REALLY hard on his crawling...poor guy! He just can't quite get the coordination thing down yet, which makes him VERY frustrated! His strength is defintely there, he just hasn't been able to put the whole package together yet...but he's SUPER close. Tyler is so anxious for him to get it...but I try to remind him how much things change once he becomes mobile and fill him in on the sequence of events... (1)crawling (2)pulling up (3)walking...yikes! Babies definitely need a pause button:)
He is still toothless...which I can't believe. We have been thinking for so long that we would see a tooth any day, but not yet. However, he HAS to be teething...he has all the signs/symptoms. I guess its just a long process...and I hate it for him:(
He loves to eat!

So precious...and check out that butt up in the air!

Daddy is SO fun!

Hudson had his very first trip to Dunbar Cave today. I have lots of memories of my visits there when I was little...my brother and I loved to feeds the ducks! I can't wait for Hudson to start building those memories too. So since he's too little to remember it now...I make sure to document it all. Tyler just loves the fact that now that I'm a mother...I snap pictures like a tourist;)

I have a few videos from the past month that I need to get uploaded on my computer...once thats done I'll get them posted.
He is still toothless...which I can't believe. We have been thinking for so long that we would see a tooth any day, but not yet. However, he HAS to be teething...he has all the signs/symptoms. I guess its just a long process...and I hate it for him:(
He loves to eat!

So precious...and check out that butt up in the air!

Daddy is SO fun!

Hudson had his very first trip to Dunbar Cave today. I have lots of memories of my visits there when I was little...my brother and I loved to feeds the ducks! I can't wait for Hudson to start building those memories too. So since he's too little to remember it now...I make sure to document it all. Tyler just loves the fact that now that I'm a mother...I snap pictures like a tourist;)

I have a few videos from the past month that I need to get uploaded on my computer...once thats done I'll get them posted.
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