He is still toothless...which I can't believe. We have been thinking for so long that we would see a tooth any day, but not yet. However, he HAS to be teething...he has all the signs/symptoms. I guess its just a long process...and I hate it for him:(
He loves to eat!

So precious...and check out that butt up in the air!

Daddy is SO fun!

Hudson had his very first trip to Dunbar Cave today. I have lots of memories of my visits there when I was little...my brother and I loved to feeds the ducks! I can't wait for Hudson to start building those memories too. So since he's too little to remember it now...I make sure to document it all. Tyler just loves the fact that now that I'm a mother...I snap pictures like a tourist;)

I have a few videos from the past month that I need to get uploaded on my computer...once thats done I'll get them posted.
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