Friday, January 7, 2011

BACK to bloggin'!

Well...its been awhile. I won't go on and on about how busy I have been or about all the things that have kept me from keeping up the blog...really its all an excuse. I have decided in 2011 that there are some things I will just MAKE myself make time for...and this blog is one of them. It has been such a fun experience to look back at old posts and read about what was happening then. Blogging is such a great way to keep track and document the little things that happen in our very busy lives. I am a blog reader through and through...especially of mother's who blog. I think its just so interesting to read about differing opinions on motherhood and all that it entails. It is safe to say that once you have children you realize how quickly time really does pass. I love to watch Hudson grow, learn, and change but it is also such a bittersweet thing. Each time he does something new its like a little more of the baby has left him. So I think keeping this blog for me can be somewhat therapeutic . I mean, don't get me wrong...I'm not losing my mind because Hudson is growing up or anything...BUT I'm sure most mothers can relate. Like I said...bittersweet. So anyway, I'm back and will update as often as I can...once a week is my hope. I have been a super busy grad student for the last year and a half...trying to take as many classes as I can a semester so that I can graduate and we can all move on with our lives. Tyler and I are so excited to move forward, by a new house, have more babies, and just be. School has taken a lot of my time and has been a juggling act to say the least. Good news is my course work is done in we have almost accomplished our goal and my Masters degree is in sight..yay! As for Hudson, he is just amazing. I can't believe he is 2. He's so bright, sweet, perceptive, sensitive, wild, and all around fun. Despite the tantrums, I love this age. Everyday is something new. I have added a slideshow I made of his 2nd year...that should catch everyone back up. I'm excited to start writing again and I hope those who follow are excited to read again. Happy 2011..xoxo


  1. "Thanx 4 lettin' us know U R back
    'Bloggin', Lauren. Such a nice 'Site'. The 'Slideshow' was very sweet. We enjoyed it.Hudson is a beautiful 'mix' of both U & Tyler. He IS growin' - up SO fast. 'Bittersweet'. We know y'all R cherishing every moment of each age.
    Sounds as if U R well on your way to finishing up 'School'...& moving on & forward to the next 'Chapter / Phase' in y'all's 'Life'. X-citing! N ~ Joy!"
    ~ Love, ~ Mary & "Rick" ~
