Sunday, March 29, 2009

"I have hands!!"...and Happy Birthday Oliver:)

We have had some exciting discoveries this weekend! It really does seem like Hudson does something new everyday. He has been such a great, sweet boy for us all weekend long...not that he isn't normally, but he has been especially sweet this weekend. Friday night he slept from 7:30-6:45 and last night from we feel extremely lucky. He has been a terrific sleeper for the last month and 1/2 or so, but we are still thankful every night because we know it change at any moment. He as been even more smiley and "gooey" as I like to say...which just means he's talking alot...SO cute when he gets on a roll of "a-goos" and little outbursts that will eventually be laughter:) AND while we were out birthday shopping for Oliver, who turned 2 years old today!!, Hudson found his hands. We have been waiting for this to happen since he hit the 3 month mark...holding toys in front of him waiting for a grab. But today when we least happened. We were strolling him around PetSmart and I looked down and he was grabbing at his cow that attaches to his infant seat. I of course stopped and shouted at Tyler to look and sure enough he did it over and over...trying his best to get a hold of it. Such an exciting moment for us...small probably to others...but SO special to us:) He's getting to be such a big boy and with every new accomplishment comes even more fun we get to have with him. We just feel so lucky to have him:) Here are a few recent pics of our big guy...

And we must also acknowledge our OTHER sweet boy and his birthday...we feel so lucky to have him also...Happy Birthday Oliver!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Friday:)

Happy Friday...with smiles from Hudson:) He's always at his absolute best in the morning so I try and have the camera ready to catch all his cuteness! Please excuse the quality of the was taken with my digital camera rather than the actual video camera. We are excited the weekend is work and all play...with Hudson of course:) Too bad the weather won't be better...we are longing for some sunshine. But we'll enjoy it nonetheless...have a great weekend!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Here goes nothing....

Well....I have decided I am gonna hop on the bandwagon and start a blog. I got to thinking about all the moments, photos, videos, and just life in general with Hudson that I don't want to forget. Since Hudson's arrival I think I have taken about 200+ pictures...some printed out...some just stored on my laptop. I thought putting this blog together would not only help me accurately put together his pictures...somewhat chronologically, but it would also capture these SO important memories and milestones that our little guy is acheiving everyday and make them available to our family and close friends who aren't here to revel in the everday accomplishments of our pride and joy:) So here it is...a blog dedicated to Hudson...all his firsts as they happen. I hope to be able to update this as frequently as possible...maybe a couple times a week?? That may be wishful thinking since the time that I now have to actually sit in front of the computer with no interruptions are few and far between, but I vow to try my best;)

So since I am starting a little late I will try and get this up to speed. Hudson is now 3 months old. WOW. Time has really flown by. The days definitely passed much slower when he was still occupying my belly, but now that he is here days turn into weeks and weeks into months before we know it. As I'm sure all of you know, Hudson came 4 1/2 weeks early...Dec.17th and our due date was Jan.17th. He just had to get out of there....BREECH and all! He has been thriving ever since. Eating like a little maniac...every 2 hours during the day. He has been a good sleeper from the get go. At around 2 months he started sleeping for long stretches consistently. He now sleeps from about 8 to somewhere between 4:30 and 5:30...which we are thrilled about.....and knock on wood...we hope it continues:) I was lucky enough to have gotten to stay home with him for about 10 weeks when he was was great...

Here are some pics from over the last 3 months...he is really smiling and "talking" alot these cute:) More to come as things happen....