Monday, June 29, 2009

Come out, Come out..Wherever you are??!!

It seems we have lost something...of great value...sleep! Hudson's ability to sleep beautifully through the night is now MIA. Tyler and I always joke about him spoiling us because he has done so well with sleep from the get go. BUT now his tune is changing. Over the last 2 weeks he has built a different sleep know the one that has no pattern at all! He still goes to bed clock work, but now he may decide he wants to get up at 1am or 3am...just for the fun of it I guess.And when he doesn't try to get up in the middle of the night then he wants to get up for the day sometime between 4-5! What is going on here? I have always been warned that they go through spurts when it comes to their sleeping issues, but we are not use to this and sucks! But its pretty impossible to be upset at such an adorable little face. We are trying our best to let him soothe himself back to sleep. It would be extremely easy for me to just nurse him back to sleep but we certainly don't want him thinking he can have that anytime he wakes up!

ANYWAY...thats not the only thing going on with our guy. In this last month he has definitely become a longer an infant:(! Sad and exciting all at the same time. He's all over the place now...rolling everywhere and trying SO hard to crawl. He scoots in reverse pretty well but can't quite get the crawling down yet. He's like a little monkey...contstanty squirming and thrashing about, no longer easy to hold. Much harder to change the ole' diaper now too. He is sitting up independently...yay!He LOVES his pugs...laughs at them frequently and is always reaching for them. He is a hoot..does something new everyday!

Tyler and Hudson had a great first Father's Day together. Without getting too terribly mushy I do have to say what an amazing father Tyler is. I had always known that he'd be a great man for the job but he has exceeded my expectations:)It fills my heart to watch them together and see the happiness on both their faces when they are together. I love to hear Tyler talk about all the things he can't wait to do with Hudson...there's nothing like it. Hudson is a lucky to have such a great daddy and I am lucky to have such a great husband, partner, bestfriend:)

Ok..ENOUGH tootin Tyler's horn...enjoy some pics!

Big boy!


EARLY morning..holding his bottle


Father's day 09

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